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Have your horse trained by Colton Woods Horsemanship.

Enable your horse to reach their fullest potential with the very best education they deserve and you can enjoy!


Let us free you of the stress and worry of horse training! Whether you have a colt to be started, a horse with difficult behavior and problems arising or perhaps you just don’t have the time to provide your horse with the consistency they need to reach their full potential - Colton and his team are here to help! We have the time, experience and process to help your horse become the best they can be and will be here to support you long after your horse graduates from training!


In the Foundational Education Program your horse will learn all of the CWH Foundation skills that will serve them throughout the rest of their lives. Our priority is to ensure your horse is safe, enjoyable to be around and ride as well as confident and proficient in their education. The CWH Training Horse Program is for those seriously committed to their horse’s education. The skills on the ground and under saddle that your horse will learn is the exact same foundation Colton instills in each of his higher level performance horses that exemplify what it means to have an education built on a solid foundation.



The CWH Training Program is for owners who want confident, willing, trustworthy horses that they can enjoy in and out of the arena and who are dedicated to developing their own knowledge, skills and understandings.


Phase I:
(For All Horse Owners)

This is a 90 Day Program where your horse will learn the fundamental skills mentally, physically & emotionally to navigate their lives with trust in their human leader. They will develop control of their own body & mind and deep understanding, willingness and confidence in what is asked of them. Their education will be developed in and out of the arena ensuring diverse experiences for a deeply rooted education.

Phase II:
(By Invitation Only)

By invitation only, the second level of our Training and Development Curriculum focuses on the Intermediate groundwork and ridden exercises as well as classical in-hand work. More emphasis is put on softening and suppling the horse’s five body parts: head and neck, poll, shoulders, ribcage and hindquarters. The training session is approximately 90 days in length.

Phase III:
(Selected by Colton)

After completing the Intermediate training, horses are selected by Colton to continue their training and will be taught the Advanced level exercises. This third level is all about finessing the control you have of your horse on the ground and under saddle. Your horse will spend approximately 90 days in the Advanced Training and Development Program. 




We will arrange for you to come take lessons, at no additional charge, with your horse in Stage Two of your horse’s training and you’ll receive a ½ day Private Clinic with your horse the day of pick up to ensure you and your horse are confident and prepared before leaving!

Training In and Out of the Arena

Your horse will develop the knowledge and tools to safely and confidently work in the round pen, arena, and outdoors both on the ground and under saddle. Our comprehensive round pen, ground work, and ridden programs are designed to help you horse advance mentally, physically, and emotionally through a curriculum designed for focus, relaxation, awareness, and a willing partnership.

On the Job Application ​

Based on your horse's intended discipline, they will be introduced to a variety of obstacles and environments that will allow them to put their knowledge to work through practical application. We strongly believe in giving your horse the opportunity to learn through fun and engaging activities such as jumps, gates, logs, water, bridges, tarps, etc  that help them build confidence and understanding.


"My 3.5 year old Gypsy, Kit, was started under saddle by Colton Woods Horsemanship. Colton put 70 days of training on my young mare and we are so happy with her progress! Kit has an incredible foundation on the ground and under saddle now. Kit's supple, responsive, and respectful. I can not believe how far Kit progressed in only 70 days. I LOVE that Colton took the time to give us lessons with Kit almost weekly and truly wanted to help us learn how to continue Kit's training once she returned home. Colton has a wonderful ability to teach! Colton is an amazing trainer who wants to connect horses and their owners!"



Training & Development

Starts at $2000/month


Exact price dependent upon your horse's selected Training Phase




$500 Nonrefundable
Will be applied towards total training costs


  • How would you describe your ‘training program’?
    Our ‘program’ is based on each horse, their needs and your goals. With your goals in mind, we work with your horse from where they are each day. Our goals is for your horse to leave more confident, relaxed, supple, responsive, respectful and understanding. Colton strongly believes in the importance of a strong foundation, building understanding and confidence through versatility in the horse’s work and maintaining owner involvement throughout the education process. We make no guarantees as to how far your horse will progress during your time with us, but we DO guarantee that we will do our very best to help your horse progress with your goals in mind. Throughout their time with us, the particulars of what we do with your horse will most certainly be geared towards the long term goals (your goals). Arena work is great, but we believe in building purpose outside of the arena. Therefore, we get out and work up and down hills, go through water crossings, push cattle, cross bridges, investigate ‘scary’ objects, open gates and more. So whether you’ve got a ranch horse, colt to be started, hunter/jumper, reiner, dressage horse, equitation or any other discipline, we’ve got the tools and knowledge to help you and your horse and look forward to the opportunity to work together.
  • Do you have any references?
    Yes. Below is are references we welcome those seeking outside opinions of our services to contact. Patrick King, Patrick King Horsemanship. 760-473-5206 Bryan Osborne, Jumping Fox Equine 859-533-6673 Kimmy Risser, Hickory Manor Farm 757-617-7188
  • What do I need to do with my horse before sending them to you for training?
    Documents Needed: Current Coggins, Current Vaccination Record and Current Health Certification 1 Month prior: Have your horse examined by an Equine Dentist to be sure their dental health is well, Have your farrier trim/shoe your horse, Assess your horse’s gut health (checking for the possibility of ulcers or other gut health related issues) and treat if necessary.
  • Can I visit my horse while he/she is in training?
    Yes. We highly encourage owner involvement while your horse is in training with us. So much so that we offer lessons for FREE while your horse is in training with us. The only thing we ask is to schedule your visits with us as our schedule has us tending to many responsibilities.
  • If I visit, will I get to watch my horse in work?
    Yes. With enough notice we can arrange our schedule of working our training horses to make sure you can see your horse in work during your visit.
  • How many days per week will my horse get worked?
    Our horses in training are worked a minimum of 5 times per week.
  • How long, each day, will my horse get worked?
    On average our horses receive a minimum 1 hour dedicated to progressing their education each day. Some days their session(s) could last greater than 2 hours, while others may be 45 minutes. We take into consideration the time you are paying for, but our focus is on your horse’s education. The time they need each day varies and we know horses don’t wear watches. Also our education goes beyond their ‘sessions’. We take the time to work with them when they are getting groomed, led to and from paddocks, being washed and etc. All of those opportunities are ones we continue to take the time to educate your horse and make sure we are encouraging positive habits, behavior and understandings.
  • How much turn our will my horse get?
    For the first few days to the first week your horse may get turned out by themselves as we make sure they are not going to show any signs of sickness. Once your horse is settled in, they will get turned out with 1-2 additional buddies. We offer maximum turn out to our horses which usually lasts 12-15 hours per day, weather dependent. When weather is optimal, horses could receive 20-22 hours of turn out, the other time, them being inside to be worked and fed.
  • Can I provide my horse’s own grain and supplements?
    No. We work with Winchester Feeds to provide the necessary concentrates for our horses. All premium quality hay (grass & alfalfa) that is fed to your horse is grown right here on the farm. For supplemental needs, we proudly offer the world class all natural Omega Alpha Equine products. From bone & joint supplements to gut health/ulcer prevention and relief, we will make sure your horse is taken care of like a champion! STIPULATION- If your horse is on a supplement that is veterinarian prescribed such as for soundness or necessary for maintaining a healthy life, we can certainly tailor to these needs.
  • Why do you use Hay Nets?
    Horses naturally graze for 17 hours per day on average. We offer maximum turn out to our horses which usually lasts 12-15 hours per day, weather dependent. When our horses are in their stalls they still need access to forage. We use Hay Chix Hay Nets to keep our horses grazing even while in their stalls. These nets are hung low so our horses can still eat in a low natural position (adjustments made for horses with shoes). From nets that are easy to navigate and simply lengthen the time their hay lasts and does not decrease their intake to slow feeder nets for those that gorge their hay even in the ‘Original’ nets, we have a solution to keep your horses grazing around the clock. One of the large reasons we love these hay nets, besides the fact that it reduces waste is that they help promote a healthy gut. Having hay in their stomach around the clock decreases the risk of ulcers, particularly in horses that are in work.
  • Do I need to provide any equipment for my horse?
    No, we have all of the equipment that we’ll need to train your horse.
  • Can I take lessons with my horse while they are in training?
    Yes! We highly encourage owner involvement while your horse is in training. In fact ALL LESSONS ARE FREE while your horse is in training!
  • Can I watch Colton work horses before I commit to sending my own?
    Yes. We have an open door policy for those wanting to come and see the facility and horses as well as watch Colton work horses. This goes for not just those looking to send a horse in to training, but for anyone! The only thing we ask is to schedule your visits with us prior to arriving to our farm.
  • Do you offer discounts for multiple horses in training?
  • Will you consign/advertise my horse while in training if I’d like to sell them?
    Yes. We offer sales and consignment services to owners with horses in training. For more information regarding these services, please contact us for more info!
  • My horse has a spooking problem. Can you fix it?
    Colton has worked successfully with hundreds of horses both on the ground and under saddle with ‘spooking’ issues. Often times we find horses are lacking confidence more than anything. While some horses may have confidence issues with specific objects such as bridges, tarps, flags, etc., some horses are naturally more wary and unsure. The best way we know to help these horses is to build their confidence.
  • Who is your veterinarian?
    Hagyard Equine Medical Institute is our primary veterinarian. When it comes to calling to have a vet come to the farm we are blessed to have the best professionals and specialist in the industry at our disposals. For lameness, reproduction and other needs that require a vet, we call on specific veterinarians through Hagyard that specialize in whatever our horses are in need of attention for. We maintain a strong working relationship as well as friendship with each of our veterinarians.
  • If an emergency happens can you haul my horse to the vet?
    Yes. Hagyard Equine Medical Institute’s clinic is just 13 miles away. We have a great working relationship with Hagyard and our trailers readily available that are the property in case of an emergency.
  • Who is your farrier?
    Byran Osborne and JP Jarmann of Jumping Fox Equine. They are second to none and do a phenomenal job with both our personal and client horses. Their knowledge is extensive and their ability to explain the reasons behind how they approaches and skillfully trims and shoes our horses is stellar.
  • How can I get help with my horse after I have taken them home from training?
    Owner involvement during training is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore ALL LESSONS are FREE while your horse is in training with us! THEN, after you head home, we welcome you to join us at a clinic or schedule private lessons to continue your progress with your horse.
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